Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jackie Mason "It’s The Sub-Prime Mortgages Stupid!"

How can we say the economy is bad today? The anti-Bush crowd just hates to admit that our economy is better than ever. With the recent market volatility, they now have there reason that Bush’s economy is in the toilet. Well, its Sub-Prime mortgages stupid, not the economy that’s in trouble.

Now the left tells us, “You see! We told you the economy under Bush stinks”. The recent market volatility is because of these sub-prime mortgages. All the experts say that these mortgages only make up 2% of all the mortgages, and mortgages themselves, only make up 12 % of the economy. Now the democrats are attacking Bush for not doing anything to help people who can’t pay their mortgages. Meanwhile, they’re promising that if they were in power they would bail these people out. To me, it is the height of depravity to prey on dumb people by promising them thing they could never give them. Why is it the government’s job to bail these people out? It all sounds good to say, but when will this country understand, that the government gets its money from the people, including those who can’t pay their mortgages.

Here’s more on the subject…


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