Friday, September 14, 2007


Vlog 54 Dems Fear Petraeus More Than Bin Laden

With Gen. David Petraeus’s report coming out soon and Bin Laden’s tape Just coming out, whose message do the Democrats fear more?

Hillary Clinton recently said that another Terrorist attack would only help the Republicans, but success in Iraq makes them quake in their boots. Petraeus months ago was touted by the Democrats as the best option for command in Iraq. If he can’t do the job, no one can! And now this same man, according to the Democratic leadership who unanimously confirmed him, can’t be trusted and will no doubt skew his report in the Presidents favor. Why are the Dems changing their opinion of the General you ask? Because months ago they counted on him to lose and now their worst fear may becoming true. G-d Bless America indeed! With “Leaders” like the ones we have in Congress right now, we need all the help we can get.

Click here to see the video

Jackie Mason Vlog 55 Democrats Have Gone Far Beyond Treason

A post Petraeus hearing follow-up to my previous vlog from Sunday, September 9th “Dems Fear Petraeus More Than Bin Laden”

The Democrats have proven themselves to be more reprobate and treasonous than even I could have predicted in my last vlog. They treated General Petraeus, this American hero who serves his country bravely, like a pig to slaughter. They never intended to hear good news from him. This was a set-up all along. A cold calculated plan they maneuvered months ago to take whatever the report was and skew it to their agenda. Hillary Clinton mentioned to believe the General’s report you must “…suspend your disbelief.” Well I’m in absolute disbelief how treacherous and treasonous this party has become.

click here to see the video

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